I'm determined to figure out how to make meal planning for 2009 easier while finding new recipes to try that are delicious and healthy. Starting now.
The following websites have a good collection of recipes to try:
Eating Well - I like the 'Healthy Cooking for Two' page, it includes recipes and menus. Recipes looks easy to follow with prep time, nutritional information, tips, and nice photos. There's also a menu planner... not signing up now.
Mayo Clinic - Healthy recipes that serve two. When I saw 'Berries marinated in Balsamic vinegar' I just knew I had to add this site!
Kalyn's Kitchen - There are so many food blog it's hard to pick just one but Kalyn offers a monthly recipe round-up summary that highlight recipes from around the blogworld.
Some gluten free recipes and insight from Karin's Kitchen - she has links to many other gluten free blogs.
When it comes to quick meals (and lots of them), Mark Bittman's 101 and the Urban Vegan's 101. I'm going to go through both of these and see which ones I can turn into pantry meals - including the freezer? maybe.
Soups, especially during the winter months, are very satisfying. Found 36 quick soups at the Washington Post. Yummy!
...and only because I like the BBC website, but I always forget to go there, these soup recipes and the rest of the swift suppers.
Stop. Really, that's enough.